This web site is provided by the Economic Development Committee of Sainte Anne de Prescott, based on the information provided to us. We invite you to help keep it up to date. 

Please note that we are NOT the municipality, although we have very cooperative relationship with them. We are one village within the municipality of the Township of East Hawkesbury. The municipal telephone is (613) 674-2170. The municipal web site is

Feel free to contact us about any of the events or organizations or information listed in THIS web site, dealing with the dynamic village of Ste-Anne-de-Prescott, and we will be pleased to assist you.

Economic Development Committee 520 Concession 9 Ste-Anne-de-Prescott (Ontario) K0B 1M0 Canada

Téléphone : (613) 674-2042

Telephone : (613) 674-2042 Email :