Organizations and Clubs


Simon Beaulieu

(613) 674-5500 / (613) 677-4101

Âge d’or les Amis de Ste-Anne

Ghislaine Binette

(450) 206-3149

Cercle des fermières

Shana Lavigne
(613) 674-1229

Chevaliers de Colomb


Club Motoneige

Pierre-Luc Bédard
(613) 674-2761

Club Optimiste

Manon Tittley

(613) 674-2376

Comité des loisirs

Stéphanie Sabourin

(613) 872-1437

Antique Day

Justin Lavigne

(613) 874-2538

United Church (église protestante)

832, rue Principale
Church service every fifth Sunday
from Easter to Christmas
(closed January 1st to Good Friday)
Neil / Joyce Fraser (613) 677-4512